Explore Confident Leadership Coaching

Challenging Corporate Norms to Achieve Career Satisfaction

Insights you'll find in this article...
  • The system doesn’t limit you—you limit yourself by accepting the system’s limitations.
  • To be seen differently in a corporate system, you have to perform differently.
  • Career advancement requires personal initiative and redefinition of traditional roles.

By the way, it's possible to discover your exact leadership kryptonite! ๐Ÿงจ Uncover not just what's holding you back, but also the antidote to propel your leadership forward. Ready for a breakthrough? Click here to reveal your path to confident leadership!

I Want My Kryptonite Antidote!

Why are we clocking in on dreams that aren’t even ours?

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about what it means to truly succeed in a career.


Is it the job title? The corner office? Or is it something more personal, like the feeling you get when you know you're exactly where you're meant to be?


These aren't just idle thoughts. They're questions that tap into whether we can depend on our workplaces to lead us to career fulfillment or if that's a road we need to pave ourselves.


Reflecting on my own career, there's a vivid memory of me starting out as a simple clerk, no degree to my name, just a lot of ambition simmering inside. I was craving more—more respect, more money, just more.


So, I stepped into a world not designed for someone like me: I took auto-estimator classes, a field where women, especially those without a background in auto body, hardly ever ventured. Two years down that road, I wasn't just attending classes; I was nailing the job they trained me for.


Something might echo your own experience in this candid recount from Jeanette Stein, a former product director turned entrepreneur, as she navigated the challenges of workplace culture:

"I noticed I was bringing home that discontent and frustration from lack of opportunity to move up. Stacy's coaching helped me to realize that I don't have to play by everyone else's rules. It allowed me to take control back. Looking outside the box to make things happen has been the most powerful piece."



The Myth of Corporate Security


As I climbed the corporate ladder, I wasn’t just following the path laid out before me—I was out there in the wild, hacking through the dense underbrush with nothing but my willpower and a knack for thinking differently. It wasn't easy. Every step forward was a battle against the usual way of doing things.


Take the time a well-deserved promotion went to someone less qualified. Did I sit back and accept it? Absolutely not. I left. And when I came back two years later, it was on my terms: the right position, the right salary, and a clear path to keep moving up.


Every day, I see people stuck in the same old cycles at work, believing they can’t get ahead because of some unwritten rule or offhand comment like, "We don’t need someone from your team on this project," or “You can’t get promoted until you’ve been here 2 years.” What I've come to realize—and what I want to share—is that these so-called limits are often just illusions.


We tend to accept these limitations because they're part of a system that feels bigger than us. But here's a truth that might sting a little: these boundaries become real only if we let them.


The system doesn’t limit you—you limit yourself by accepting the system’s limitations.


Redefining Roles and Reshaping Career Trajectories


During my time navigating corporate landscapes, I learned that to stand out, you can't just do what's expected. You need to show up in ways they never saw coming. I wasn’t just filling out forms and ticking boxes; I was redefining what my role could encompass. By the time I left each position, I'd left a mark that changed how my successors would be viewed and what they could aspire to achieve.


This mindset led me to experiences I never would have had if I’d stayed comfortable. Those auto-estimator classes were tough. I was 5'3", often the only woman in the room, surrounded by skeptics who doubted I belonged there. But instead of letting their doubts slow me down, I used them as fuel. I turned every raised eyebrow into a reason to push differently, learn more, and prove that my place was exactly where I chose to stand.


Yes, fighting for your place at the table is hard. But that's the point. The challenge is what forces us to grow, to stretch beyond the boundaries of what we thought possible. Each struggle, each moment of discomfort, is a step towards becoming who we really want to be.


And believe me, the view from beyond the usual limits is worth every bit of effort it takes to get there.


By pushing against these artificial boundaries, we do more than just advance our own careers—we inspire others to question and challenge the status quo as well. This creates a ripple effect. When one person stands up and demands more, it paves the way for others to follow. That's how change happens, not just in one person's job description, but across a whole company, and eventually, an industry.


Networking outside your department, learning new skills, and even stepping into entirely different industries are not just about getting a better job. They're about widening your perspective, seeing new opportunities, and understanding that you have the power to change your circumstances. This is how you turn everyday work into a fulfilling career that resonates deeply with who you are.


It’s tough, no doubt. Every time I had to stand up in a new class or meet a new group of skeptics, I felt that twinge of fear. But then I’d remember why I was there. Each class, each meeting, each seemingly small decision was part of a larger plan to build a life I could be proud of, one where I wasn’t just another cog in the machine, but someone who made a difference.


And so, I leave you with this thought: if you’re feeling stuck, if you think the system is too big to beat, remember my story. I was once a clerk with no degree, seen as too small, too inexperienced, too much of an outsider. But I didn’t let that define me. I defined myself, and by doing so, I redefined what was possible.


Don’t simply climb the corporate ladder…create a ladder of your own and decide how high you want to climb.


Dare to disrupt, to defy, and to redefine.


Don't just adapt to the world—reshape it to suit you. It starts with a single step.


So, what’s your next step going to be?


Explore Coaching as a Tool for Career Redefinition


Breaking away from corporate limitations and redefining your career trajectory are not just ideas but actionable paths that require courage, creativity, and a bit of guidance. If you've ever felt boxed in by traditional roles or doubted whether you could reach a higher level of fulfillment and success, you're not alone.


Ready to reshape your professional landscape and redefine what success looks like for you? I invite you to join me for an exclusive Explore Coaching call. In our time together, we'll discuss your unique challenges and aspirations to determine if coaching is the right path for you.


During the Explore Coaching call, we'll focus on understanding your current professional situation and your goals for the future. We'll explore whether my coaching approach aligns with your needs and how it can help you navigate your career more effectively. This call is a chance for us to connect and see if we're a good fit to work together on your career journey.


To schedule your Explore Coaching call, simply click here to pick a time that suits you. Let this be the step you take toward not just achieving but excelling in a career that truly reflects who you are and what you value.


Here's to your journey of transformation and triumph—where you lead not only with skill but with a vision that changes the game for everyone around you.


Cheers to your dynamic career path, where you become the architect of your success and inspire others with your bold moves and unwavering resolve.


Stacy Brookman

Women leaders who want to eliminate imposter syndrome, people-pleasing, overwork, and overwhelm leverage my confident leadership coaching to clarify their power skills and confidently command their seat at the table. I’m a women's leadership coach, conference speaker, and the founder of Real Life Resilience.

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