Explore Confident Leadership Coaching

Traditional Leadership Career Advancement Advice That Might Be Holding You Back

leadership advice career quest

Insights you'll find in this article...
  • Discover why traditional career advice might be keeping you stuck in unfulfilling roles
  • Learn how 60% of your work time might be wasted on tasks that don't advance your career
  • Uncover the hidden truth behind the common belief: "The best way to get a promotion is to excel in your current job"
  • Explore a fresh perspective on career growth that challenges you to rethink how you define success

By the way, feeling confident wherever you are in your career possible with a private, 10-minute daily routine. Download the Remarkable Resilience Routine designed to boost your resilience as a leader. This routine is a quick daily exercise for building a resilient mindset. By integrating this practice into your daily routine, you'll develop the resilience you need to excel in your leadership role. 

I Want Remarkable Resilience!

Why Doing More Isn’t Getting You Ahead


I've been reflecting on why so many corporate leaders, even into their thirties and forties, find themselves stuck managing tasks that don't align with their ambitions. It's startling to realize, according to Asana, that employees spend 60% of their time on tedious ‘work about work.’

When we start our careers, the trade-off is clear: time and effort for money. We accept the idea that if we perform well in our current roles, promotions will follow. This approach, however, often leads us to become highly paid task executors rather than strategic thinkers. Many corporate leaders I know share this frustration.

The prevailing wisdom, and executive leaders, love to say: “The best way to get a promotion is to do well in the job you’re in.” We're told to stay the course, perform consistently, and our efforts will eventually pay off. But is this really true?

It's like your career is an old, glitchy video game where you’re supposedly leveling up, but without any real signs of progress. You’re stuck in there, logging hours, chasing after promotions like elusive ghosts, and nobody’s bothered to hand you the cheat codes. You’re supposed to rack up achievements to unlock the next level, but you might not even be playing the right game.


Do I Have to Accept the Career Path Status Quo?


How many times have you bent over backwards trying to plaster smiles on everyone else's faces, molding yourself into whatever shape a job demands because that's what's "expected"? Many leaders find themselves in roles they don’t love, stuck in a cycle of pleasing others and adhering to expectations that don’t serve their personal ambitions.

At one point in my own experience, I found myself increasingly frustrated with the speed and direction my career was taking. My boss, a lifer committed to the traditional path, seemed indifferent to my aspirations for more strategic and fulfilling work. This led me to a crucial reflection: work is a choice, an agreement.

We don't have to agree to the plan laid out for us by our bosses or companies.

So, what if that old adage about sticking it out and doing well doesn’t mesh with who you are or what you actually want? What if the real way to level up is something entirely different?

What if I don’t like the career path chosen for me? How do I get comfortable living inside my own ambitions, rather than relying on the tacit but not fully accurate protection of a company and its career plan?

This realization pushed me to start questioning the status quo and consider how I could take control of my career trajectory.

The truth is, we often find ourselves puppeteering happiness for others, contorting into roles that don’t fit because we’ve bought into a narrative that equates staying the course with achieving success. We swallow the status quo because stepping outside feels like stepping off a cliff.

What if the key to career growth isn't merely excelling in our roles, but embracing and showcasing our unique selves? To truly stand out, we need to bring our authentic selves to the table—consistently, courageously, and sometimes controversially.

Being exceptional in your role is important, but being uniquely you is vital.

This perspective shift means stepping away from the status quo and daring to perform in ways that showcase our true capabilities, passions, and values. Beyond logging hours or completing tasks, demonstrate strategic thinking, creativity, and truthful leadership. This approach can lead to more fulfilling career paths and help break free from roles that don't align with our ambitions.

Meet Summer M., Award-Winning Illustrator, who discovered newfound confidence and resilience in her professional journey:

"Stacy is absolutely a problem solver and can change your life in ways you never thought were possible. You will gain wisdom that will help you in your situation and any situation to come in the future. I know it can be scary reaching out, let alone to someone you do not know. But if you take a chance, your whole situation and life can change."


Daring to Stand Out: A New Approach to Career Growth

I’ve been thinking a lot about alternatives to the status quo.

It seems to me that you have to be seen differently in the system. And if you want to be seen differently, you have to dare to perform differently. Not just for a day, or in a meeting, but consistently, courageously, and sometimes controversially.

This means showcasing your unique strengths and perspectives in ways that truly highlight your value. Think of it as stepping out of the shadows and into the spotlight, where your distinctive qualities can shine. Perhaps it entails taking on projects that excite you, voicing ideas that others might hesitate to share, and approaching problems with innovative solutions that reflect your true capabilities rather than going along with the crowd.

This shift can also help combat imposter syndrome. By focusing on what makes you unique and valuable, rather than just what you accomplish, you build a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence. You get to own your strengths and trust that they bring something indispensable to the table.

Adopting this new approach to career growth encourages us to rethink our roles and how we define success. Start moving away from a narrow focus on task execution and stepping into a broader role as a thought leader and innovator. This perspective makes work more fulfilling as well as positions you as a vital, indispensable part of your organization.

Daring to be seen differently helps us align our work with our passions and paves the way for more meaningful and dynamic career trajectories. This approach fosters a work environment where individual contributions are recognized and valued, leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce.

So, let’s embrace the challenge of being our true selves at work. Let’s redefine success by our terms, and in doing so, inspire others to do the same.

When we dare to be different, we open doors to opportunities that we never knew existed and create a professional landscape where authenticity and excellence go hand in hand.


Elevate Your Career: Embrace Your Unique Strengths with Personalized Coaching

Navigating the complexities of leadership and career growth can feel daunting, especially when outdated advice holds you back. Embracing your true self and showcasing your unique strengths can propel you to new heights. Personalized coaching can be the key to unlocking your potential.

Ready to break free from traditional career advice, combat imposter syndrome, and align your work with your passions? I invite you to join me for an exclusive Explore Coaching call with me

On the Explore Coaching call, we'll discuss your career aspirations, explore how you can leverage your unique strengths, and see if personalized coaching can help you achieve your goals. This is a chance to get real about the hurdles in your path and uncover new ways to move forward.

To book your Explore Coaching call, click here to choose a convenient time. Start leading with confidence and purpose, making a genuine impact in your career.

Remember, true leadership means growing and evolving every day. With the right support, you can lead with strength, authenticity, and inspiration. This is where you transform your career, build a culture, and establish a lasting legacy.

Cheers to your journey, where you conquer challenges and inspire others with your unique strengths and unwavering confidence.


Stacy Brookman

Women leaders who want to eliminate imposter syndrome, people-pleasing, overwork, and overwhelm leverage my confident leadership coaching to clarify their power skills and confidently command their seat at the table. I’m a women's leadership coach, conference speaker, and the founder of Real Life Resilience.

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